For Nino technologies. · My Accounts and Nino Common Login are Facebook login apps, and we do not save your personal data in our server. According to...
Fabform provides you with an end point where your forms will be submitted to. · Good day pals, if you are looking for a very easy way to integrate a...
Mi_Records is an open-source Personal management system · Good day, welcome to my blog. Today we will be presenting MI_Records, an open-source...
What is a framework? , and what is a library? . · HI Friends, welcome to my blog. Today we will be taking a look at the web framework and why we need...
Cloud hosting made easy. · Hello 👋 friends and Welcome to my blog today. I hope you are having a great day. Today, we will be introducing ourselves to a...
The themes switch between dark mode and light mode. · Hello there, pals. Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. We're going to build a theme toggle...